Saturday, July 23, 2011

Does Australia support internet censorship?

There some websites saying that Australia is becoming more like China in censoring websites and stuff, however there are also websites that say Australia allows the freedom of speech and things like that, so I'm really confused.

Why does God allow Ramadan to censor every question that's too hard?

Why doesn't he allow them to do the Islamic thing and take the opportunity to blame the media/Jews/kufar/Bible/ whites/atheists/West?

The Media: Corporate Pimp or Corporate Whore?

The media is corporate owned, its all a joke and doesn't matter which outlet you watch/read. Why just tonight I watched Brain Williams talk about a Vietnam war vet, chocolate milk in schools, and most pressing spider man, no wonder why people are dumb as hell in this country

Is our friend relationship over?

So my friend and I got into a HUGE fight, like it's the biggest one yet. It was about her smoking and lying to me, which I hate both. She said she stopped before and I believed her for a while, until she told me a story about her smoking the other day. Now she said she stopped officially, but its hard for me to believe her because what already happened. We yelled, ignored each other, and then I tried to make up with her. I told her I believed her again. Now she got a lot quitter, every time we talk it feels awkward, and she won't even call me. I see her talking to every one like she used to talk to me with like smileys, hearts, everything on Facebook and she texts just like "Hey, how was your day" so I feel out casted. And I've tried to avoid the awkwardness, but she keeps on bringing it back. Are we over?

Help! cant figure out begining of knitting instructions!?

It just means that after you have cast on your 6 stitches, instead of knitting the first row, as you usually would, you purl it; purl the first 6 stitches.

Hunger Games Fans..............?

I know we all ♥♥♥♥♥ The Hunger Games books, but in a way, do you think that the movie deserves to fail, with the way they casted? I think it does.

I'm 17 and youtube is banning me from watching music videos with the word "****" in them?

I tried watching "Cee Lo Green - **** You" and apparently, I'm too young to hear people sing the word "f�ck"? I mean are they serious? What the hell is up with that? This might seem like a rant, but I actually want to know. I've heard that damn word ever since I started watching american movies when I was 7, as I imagine most other teenagers have that are on youtube, so what argument could they possibly have to support this censoring?