Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is our friend relationship over?

So my friend and I got into a HUGE fight, like it's the biggest one yet. It was about her smoking and lying to me, which I hate both. She said she stopped before and I believed her for a while, until she told me a story about her smoking the other day. Now she said she stopped officially, but its hard for me to believe her because what already happened. We yelled, ignored each other, and then I tried to make up with her. I told her I believed her again. Now she got a lot quitter, every time we talk it feels awkward, and she won't even call me. I see her talking to every one like she used to talk to me with like smileys, hearts, everything on Facebook and she texts just like "Hey, how was your day" so I feel out casted. And I've tried to avoid the awkwardness, but she keeps on bringing it back. Are we over?

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