Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do most people believe in Abrahamic God cause he has the most brutal punishment for non believers of any god?

It makes sense that most religious people believe in the Abrahamic God, instead of the other thousands of gods, because he's the most known, for being unforgiven, cruelty, vengeance, and sadistic nature of all the gods! So of course, no one wants to be on his bad side, so they all follow his every command, and say it's out of love, when it's clearly motivated by fear of punishment! But they say they obey out of love, because it's embarrassing to admit you obey someone out of fear of their wrath! I still maintain, fear of hell, fear of being out casted from religious community, (which makes up majority of most communities) fear of non existence after death, and fear of letting fellow religious loved ones down, are the driving forces of belief in this most tyrannical of gods!

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