Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is my site/domain hacked?

My web host just cancelled my account because of spamming. I never spam, but I downloadad a backup file of all my info and discovered a folder with the name ".log" filled with hundreds of html pages I would consider spam and that I obviously never created. These pages contain links that include my domain somehow. I moved to a new host, uploadad my files (from my hard drive, not the contaminated ones), redirected the DNS, but now on some computers I can see the new uploaded webpage, but on others I still am redirected to the "suspended account" from my previous host. I know it takes time por a DNS change to propagate, but is it normal to have two computers in the same home, one that can load the new website, and the other loads the old one? And also, on another computer, this morning I was able to see the new webpage, and now I get the old "suspended account" page from the previous host. Is this normal propagation behaviour? Is it possible my domain is in some sort of blacklist, and if so, why do I keep getting the old webpage even after the DNS are redirected??

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