Saturday, July 23, 2011

Does Australia support internet censorship?

There some websites saying that Australia is becoming more like China in censoring websites and stuff, however there are also websites that say Australia allows the freedom of speech and things like that, so I'm really confused.

Why does God allow Ramadan to censor every question that's too hard?

Why doesn't he allow them to do the Islamic thing and take the opportunity to blame the media/Jews/kufar/Bible/ whites/atheists/West?

The Media: Corporate Pimp or Corporate Whore?

The media is corporate owned, its all a joke and doesn't matter which outlet you watch/read. Why just tonight I watched Brain Williams talk about a Vietnam war vet, chocolate milk in schools, and most pressing spider man, no wonder why people are dumb as hell in this country

Is our friend relationship over?

So my friend and I got into a HUGE fight, like it's the biggest one yet. It was about her smoking and lying to me, which I hate both. She said she stopped before and I believed her for a while, until she told me a story about her smoking the other day. Now she said she stopped officially, but its hard for me to believe her because what already happened. We yelled, ignored each other, and then I tried to make up with her. I told her I believed her again. Now she got a lot quitter, every time we talk it feels awkward, and she won't even call me. I see her talking to every one like she used to talk to me with like smileys, hearts, everything on Facebook and she texts just like "Hey, how was your day" so I feel out casted. And I've tried to avoid the awkwardness, but she keeps on bringing it back. Are we over?

Help! cant figure out begining of knitting instructions!?

It just means that after you have cast on your 6 stitches, instead of knitting the first row, as you usually would, you purl it; purl the first 6 stitches.

Hunger Games Fans..............?

I know we all ♥♥♥♥♥ The Hunger Games books, but in a way, do you think that the movie deserves to fail, with the way they casted? I think it does.

I'm 17 and youtube is banning me from watching music videos with the word "****" in them?

I tried watching "Cee Lo Green - **** You" and apparently, I'm too young to hear people sing the word "f�ck"? I mean are they serious? What the hell is up with that? This might seem like a rant, but I actually want to know. I've heard that damn word ever since I started watching american movies when I was 7, as I imagine most other teenagers have that are on youtube, so what argument could they possibly have to support this censoring?

To Undo A Love Spell..?

Okay, so i casted a love spell on someone I really liked. Its been about 2 months now and I just feel terrible. I know what i did was wrong, and you should never cast a love spell on anyone. I realize this now, and since then i've been looking for a possible way out of this mess. Nothing has been working. Can anyone explain what i may have been doing wrong? Or a spell to reverse the one i casted? i just want everything to be back the way it was before, when he never loved me.

How would these effects resolve in Magic The Gathering?

Yesterday I was playing magic with a friend and he had a creature with 13/13 and another creature that when you tapped 2 Plains, it can make target creature indestructible. He then declared an attack with his 13/13 creature. I blocked creature with 2 5/5 creatures, lowering his toughness down to 3, after the battle phase had finished, during his endphase I hit his creature with a lightning bolt to take out the last 3 toughness his creature had. He tried to activate his other creatures ability to make his monster indestructible. My question is, would my Instant Lightning Bolt resolve first, destroying his 13/3, or would his other creatures effect make it indestructible even after I casted lightning bolt. The Damage is instant right? So immediately his creature was at 0 toughness and therefore dies, am I right?


So I'm so shook up about the entire CM Punk thing and I just saw on WWE Chat that according to Howard Finkle and Corey Clayton, CM Punk was just indefinitely suspended! ARE YOU SERIOUS! WE GOT TO DO SOMETHING! Boycott this sh!t or something. CM Punk is the best thing to hit the WWE!

Who created the Creator?

God has always existed. We are much too weak and science is much too young to even begin to understand God and how eternal He really was, is, and will be forever.

This writing any good?

It isn't spectacular. You've got some grammatical issues; "turtles" should be possessive. You're occasionally too wordy (second sentence), but for the most part not descriptive enough. Think five senses--hear, taste, touch, etc. Overall, it sounds a bit cliche.

How is debating a Muslim and a Christian different?

Besides the Christian tendency to use appeals to emotion and arguments from incredulity, and reject evidence not based on the Bible, and the Muslim habit of using diversionary tactics (such as changing the topic to the Bible, or every evil act Israel has ever committed) and the No True Muslim fallacy, and censor or otherwise inconclusively end the debate when they can no longer defend their position, what differences have you found between the two?

Is the pc version of duke nukem censored ?

wtf ? there is no nipples and nude on pc version. and I feel that most of things are censored. is this a teen version ?

Casts out a string and waits for a bite,(Ladies) What do you think I am doing?

Dude i'm bored and your an idiot :') but thank you for wasting/helping me fill up my time :D happy casting!

My fiancee is currently on probation in tarrant co tx for a drug charge hes 49 and on disability for 3 heart a?

You need to start calling attorney's in Tarrant county area and ask for pro bono (free) representation there are lawyers who will do this but you have to call and ask they do not advertise free time. You cannot fight this alone so no amount of information will assist you except get a lawyer to assist him and it will stop.}{

Rate my rap please!!!?

man in my opinion thats about 8/10! some great ideas in that, you know if you wanna add me ive got some songs lined up and maybe we could link them up somehow, your choice, i just wanna start somewhere and get my music recognized.

What should I do about my friend?

Man, your friends kinda a wackjob haha. I say don't let her control your life. She can't tell you who to date and be friends with and if she has a "hit" list what if she ends up hitting you at one point? And you don't need negative people in your life. Its bad and depressing. I say not to be here friend anymore but that's just my oppion(:

How to scrape bacteria from agar plate?

I have 180 plates with hundreds thousand of single and each differentially unique colonies. I need to pool all the bacteria. The problem is some of the plates are stored in 4c for around one week and when I try to scrape them off, they are like mucus and very hard to resuspend them in broth. Even vortex doesn't help much. I try to pellet down the bacteria but there is no distinct pellet formed, but layers of insoluble "mucus". So I ended up only take the bottom layer and suspend it and discard all the upper layers. My question is: will it be possible the bacteria from the "old plates" (those that form mucus) is not present in the final bacteria suspension? As they are all in the mucus layers which I have already discarded. I just want to make sure my final bacteria suspension contains ALL the single unique bacteria from ALL the plates. Even one single bacteria will do.

I'm a loser but happy?

i make friends with the out casted kids, and people don't like my a bit goth but not so goth look, i have health issues, a bit pessimistic, not that good at driving, popular girls kinda hate me and the guys judge me from how i look, But i have always been feeling so great about my self, and so did my friends. is there something wrong about me or is it a good thing?

How many different editions there in dragonball manga of vic media?

so far i have seen volume 1 with 2 different covers! the one shows goku with his fist up in the air while the other one shows goku riding the dragon... what is the differences between them? which version is censored?

Thoughts on this: French Government Looks To Create Great Firewall Of France?

Censorship? in France? France was considered the icon of freedom and protector of human rights. This is sure to cause opposition among some EU members. In some way or form, a judicial practice will have to be imposed. Some years ago, the Australian government or one particular party within the government had considered an idea similar to Sarko's plan with the intention of blocking porn sites and criminal type web sites. To date, I am not sure, if anything was drafted by the Aussies. The "firewall" idea has been suggested and attempts have been made to enforce it elsewhere in other areas of the world, except in China, its never been popular.

I have to go to court on june 14th and I am scared....(read more)?

I am a key witness and I am allowed to go into a room to do my say. I am really naive about this whole thing I have no idea what to expect or what I am doing. I have never done anything like this before. What will it be like when I am in that room? Will I be talking live, as in will it be broad casted to the court room full of people as i'm speaking, or will it be recorded first and then played in the court room? Also what will happen when I am in that room, will I be alone? How do I know what to say? I'm so confused.

Will American Muslims eventually behave like European Muslims if we offend Islam?

Muslims in the US are only 0.6% of the population. If they all started acting like that, they would soon all be in prison or executed.

Would you like a Yahoo life?

What would you do if you could just start a new life when yours is suspended? Start a new life, choose the "about me" life you like, pick an "avatar" picture and begin anew?

Im 17 and i got my first traffic ticket going 80 in a 60.?

is there any chance that my liscence will be suspended until im 18? it was my first time EVER being pulled over. i was very respectful, i had my drivers and registration ready, and im sad to admit, but i was very shaky and very afraid. will being afraid count against me? and what is the chance about being suspended until 18?

How come the grizzles are not interested in trading oj mayo?

we all have our grudges against certain players, (Tim Duncan!!!) but even though he might not be an honest person, it really doesnt make a difference, becuase he helped out in the playoffs a lot... they all have to deal with him...

What do you think about this piece of writing?

Put a full stop between 'in' and 'shadows', instead of a comma (first sentence). Apart from maybe a few grammar mistakes I have forgotten, its pretty good.

Will i ever get to live my dreams?

starnow does not help people like you become actors, it is just a way to get your money, ACting is a business that take a lot of money to enter. Step one get a job and make some money and save it for your acting when you are older. The world is not fair, it ws not meant to be fair and those politicians who try to make it fair just wind up making it worse. To succeed as an actor you have to be extraordinarily talented, charming, energetic, experienced, trained and knowledgeable. It takes years to get there.

What would you do if...?

K so I was at a lake and there were about 12 guys in the grade above me who go to my school. My friend and I walked past the door way that they were all by. Al of the sudden the guys start clapping and yelling whoo! at us. They are asses and half of them were suspended for sexual harassment. I can't go to the principal because it was outside of school so what would you do? And no I don't take this event as a compliment I think they are pigs.

Friday, July 22, 2011

According to the Constitution, what is a "grievance" & which grievances are permissable?

A grievance is whatever you feel is not in the best interest of yourself and/or the country. There is no mechanism to legally censure other people's opinions as that would take away their right to disagree with you and thus defeat the purpose of the first amendment.

Have they casted Jessie yet?

Hey! Does anyone know if they casted the 12 year old girl in the new Disney channel series "jessie" yet? And if so do you know who it is? Thanks

How do I get a relationship now?

I am going into 10th grade. I got suspended. I am not going back to school until January. I am use to dating all the time. I have been single for 3 months. My parents are really strict. I do not get to hangout with guys much. Since I can't meet anybody at school for a long time. How can I get a guy? I got a phone, but right now I can only hangout with a few people, so it is very hard to find guys. Does anyone know how I could get a long time boyfriend? I'm not aloud to get on facebook since I got grounded. To much "drama." I use to kiss a lot. So I am have withdraws. I NEED a guy, I can hangout with a lot, without going to school!?

I have to go to court on june 14th and I am scared....(read more)?

I am a key witness and I am allowed to go into a room to do my say. I am really naive about this whole thing I have no idea what to expect or what I am doing. I have never done anything like this before. What will it be like when I am in that room? Will I be talking live, as in will it be broad casted to the court room full of people as i'm speaking, or will it be recorded first and then played in the court room? Also what will happen when I am in that room, will I be alone? How do I know what to say? I'm so confused.

How do you beat cid raines on ff13?

i tried fighting him when i was snow and i got really close to beating him but then he casted "doom" on me ): my party is now lightning hope and fang. plzz help

What was the name of the two headed monster in Willow?

It may have had no name but I hope it did, It was a troll before Willow casted a botched spell on it.

Why can't Mohammed be shown on TV?

Mohammed the god has been censored in some shows I've watched, they even started to beep out his name, why is there such a big deal over Mohammed

Last nights raw cm punk mic was cut off after what he said and vince suspended him?

was the suspension real or is this a story line? if this is a story line what will happen next? also how long will they milk the anonomys general manager thing. it has gone on too long.

CM Punk is done with wwe, but u have to wait till his contract is up to see him in another wrestleing Comp?

That is why they suspended him. And not fired him outright. I think 1 of 2 outcome will come of this they really want to talk to him, becuase they did want him to stay and he refused to sign back. Or they want him to cool down till his contract is up. What are your beliefs?

Are Marx's publications censored in North Korea?

My understanding is that like Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, Marxist ideology in North Korea has been officially renounced (in favour of 'Juche'). Although Bonapartism is identified as a precursor to fascism rather than Stalinism, anyone in North Korea couldn't help reading the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon and draw parallels (albeit in a very general context) between the agendas of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il and that of Louis Bonaparte.

Do the clouds of time pass unnoticed c/c?

A great poem my friend, a poet you are. Easy going, comfortable, of a slow pace. Your philosophy calmly paces from the one verse to another and they intermingle in a delirium of thoughts and conclusions. A cloud, an old visual, a reflection. A fish net, cast of smiles, also filled with what remains from illusions and confusions. Brilliant! Now I have you, Sir. Strong you are here, stating presence. This lake of emotions lost plus the sunsets want to devour us. This is different. Good! Only thing is the "smiles" instead of miles. I think you should reconsider the "smiles" thing. Maybe not. BUT it is a strong poem. Bravo!

When will Stephen King's Under the dome HBO series start?

Have they even casted yet? About halfway through the book and seems like it would be an amazing series if it did happen

My license was suspended?

Okay so I was truant during my freshman and sophomore year. The first time I was called to court for being truant was in 2009: I had my license privileges suspended, I had to pay a fine, and I had to pay for the community service that they made me do. It happened again the following year only I was almost eighteen (I turned eighteen on Jan 29). They suspended it on Dec 18 of 2010, so it's been over six months. The court representative told me a year, but do I really have to wait? I need to drive to get to my job.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows question.....?

If you'd read the book you'd remember who cast the Patronus better than the fact that the Patronus was cast at all. It was Snape and he was helping out Dumbledore (and Harry) by passing along the Sword. It'll also be explained in the second part.

Why is censorship so important to some christians?

A lot of you don't try to censor others but some do. I don't agree with any religion but I'll still defend to the death your right to say whatever you like and won't try to censor anybody.

Why does Yahoo Answers censor some of the non Christian religious questions?

Because Yahoo sucks. I received a violation ("Insulting or Ranting Content") when I linked to a National Geographic article about human rights abuses against Dalits. It seems the only religion we are allowed to criticize is Christianity.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is there a censored version of L.A. Norie?

I saw that there was nudity on the in the rating for L.A. Norie. I was just wondering if there was a censored version with no nudity in it that I could buy.

Do you think my friend will be sent to prison for this?

You have posted this 3 times . You have had some good answers so why keep it up. He will probably only get fines and probation. Now stop.

Why is Yahoo censoring my question?

When you ask questions like that it's hardly surprising that somebody will be after you especially when you accuse them of trolling

How to think straight when scared?

Well you know how theres some people that think so clear and crisp when there scared like there not even scared right? yeah well thats not me..... so last night i layed down and i saw the closet door opening ever so slowley i started panicking and going ""what do i do?! what do i do?!"" i was so scared until i figured out my eyes were playing tricks on me cuase of the shadowed casted bu the closet cuase of my computer light so after that whole event was over i was like "" if i was scared why didnt i grab my knife i hide in my matress its like half of a arm lengths away? so anyways how can i think straigh when scared ?????

What are some cruel pranks to pull on a brother?

I have a friend whose brother has been in a war with him in pranks for the last month. We need ideas. We are all guys and just ran out of ideas. Need help. Please no bull-s.h.I.t (don't wanna censor) answers. Really need to be cruel but hilarious.

PLEASE HELP! 4 year-old broken leg!!!?

Hello, I'm new here, my 4 year-old son broke his leg, none of us have broken anything and don't know how much pain or what else is our son feeling like, what to do with him? keep him in bed all time? he broke his lower leg is casted from his thigh to his toes, they are swollen right now, please answer this question, we need lots of help, please help, we are very new to this, we are very thankful with all the answerers. THANKS

I want to get back at my ex anyone have any ideas?

A year ago tomorrow he betrayed me by falsely accusing me with the company we both work for in saying that I was stalking him at work which was a complete lie! We were dating at the time, we were each others first everything! And he does this to me because Everyone else at work had turned on me and got me suspended! then 5 months after we get back together again after he explains that he was sorry and regreted it ever since. a month after he tells me to move out to san diego to be with him I come to find out that he is cheated on me while I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage because of it. I get on the phone to tell him I miscarried and he tells me He Does not care!! I was on the floor crying my eyes out. My ex Josh really put me through hell! Which I did not deserve. I never did anything to him except love him to the fullest and all I got were lies and deception and heartache. I mean he really made me suffer and to this day I am suffering for it! I want to know if anyone has any idea how I can get back at him for doing all of this to me!?! I know the woman that he is with is his Coworker and they both work for the service deli. So I was thinking of making an anonymous call to his boss about them being rude and cussing etc...

Is my World Of Warcraft character screwed?

u fell off the zepplin just next time go into opyions and there is somtn that can be used as a hearthstone which can be used for goin back to your home city. you are only supposed to use this if you are truly stuck but with your story im sure that the GM's wont mind helpin u out

My email account was hacked and I was permabanned from Piforums. How do I tell this to the Admin?

I'm borrowing my friend's account, Ruckus Jorgee's here, because my Yahoo Account was suspended and my email account was hacked 3 times in 2009. Twice at school and once when I was at home. My profile on Piforums is Super_Max+Lakitu and I haven't gotten it unbanned since I got it banned the second time for rude behavior which I really wanted to apologize for but then my account was hacked and when I tried to defend myself, I was permabanned about a month later. Virtual Headache is the admin and owner of the site and she gave me a 1 month ban in July 2009 and then a permaban in August 2009. It seems really unfair. To see my profile go here.

How do people get casted for reality shows?

Like the show,the real world,how are they casted?and can like normal people do it? or do you have to"be someone" starring in all the shows blah blah blah..

I Dont want to sound Crazy but I Just need some advice.?

U would be surprised if u knew how many people felt exactly like u. There is life outside of all the crap that has been dumped on you. Take all the pain and tears write it, draw it, sing it, act it, talk about it, paint it, wear it and overcome. The greatest most creative brilliant works of art, film, theatre, literature etc have come from the painful wretched moments that lead to life, love, survival and freedom.____

Would y'all get rid of this car if it need all this or would you get some stuff fixed?

Old. Money pit. Best to get a new(er) one. If you MUST buy used, go to YOUR mechanic to check one out before you buy. GOOD used dealers tell you to. If they won't allow, don’t buy.

WWE has already taped next week's Monday Night RAW, so here's proof that CM Punk's promo was scripted?

Alberto Del Rio must be pissed off.....It seems like a great story though. Better than anything they have done in a long time.

When your account is suspended, does that mean they deleted it?

Yes, 'suspended' means deleted, closed, gone for good. Yahoo can delete only your Answers account or your entire account including Mail, Messenger, Flickr etc.

How do I break up with my clingy boyfriend?

I'm a junior in high school, and I have been dating this guy for over a year now, but I don't really think its working. Since the relationship, my boyfriend has pretty much out-casted all of his other social life, and I'm really his only friend. But he is pretty controlling, and it just doesn't seem to be the same anymore. How can I end it without hurting him? Our families are really involved, and they are so fun to be around, and I don't want to make anything too awkward. Should I somehow make him break up with me? I just want to be friends with him, but I don't think he will be up for that. Help!!

Why Can't I Use Pokemon Vortex?

I got a link from one of my friends to, but whenever I try to go there it always says "account suspended" even though I've never used before. Whats wrong with it?

Can you ask questions when your suspended?

rofl! No. Suspended is like being banned. When my last 3 accounts were suspended they also suspended my e-mail accounts. i don't know how you even got in here to ask a question with your suspended account.

Is this a good story beginning?

I Think It's A Cool Idea And An Interesting Perspective.My Only Concern Is That It Might Be A Bit Difficult To Keep Up That Level Of Descriptive Writing (Which Is Excellent By The Way) The Whole Way Through. Other Than That , I Think It Would Be A Very Good And Original Story.Hope This Helps , And Good Luck! xxx

Is this writing very good?

It's pretty good actually, makes me wanna know what happens next! Just go easy on those ''pregnant clouds'' and stuff like that. Overall pretty well written.

Is it true, that there are some, perhaps many that...?

there are a couple of familiar trolls, not unlike familiar spirits...heh, that pretend to be Christian but are just here to give Christ a bad name. is that who you mean?

Going to court for suspended license! I NEED ADVICE!?

I highly doubt that you got randomly pulled over for absolutely nothing. I garuntee there was an infraction, giving him probable cause.

How to scrape bacteria from agar plate?

I have 180 plates with hundreds thousand of single and each differentially unique colonies. I need to pool all the bacteria. The problem is some of the plates are stored in 4c for around one week and when I try to scrape them off, they are like mucus and very hard to resuspend them in broth. Even vortex doesn't help much. I try to pellet down the bacteria but there is no distinct pellet formed, but layers of insoluble "mucus". So I ended up only take the bottom layer and suspend it and discard all the upper layers. My question is: will it be possible the bacteria from the "old plates" (those that form mucus) is not present in the final bacteria suspension? As they are all in the mucus layers which I have already discarded. I just want to make sure my final bacteria suspension contains ALL the single unique bacteria from ALL the plates. Even one single bacteria will do.

Why cant i feel beautiful? i hate this.?

I know how you feel. People tell me I'm cute and pretty but I don't believe them. And all of those girls are probably jealous of you. And people who don't make fun of you will think those girls are just flat out mean, because they are. They have nothing better to do but waste their time trying to bring somebody down. It's pathetic. Just keep your head up because if you act positive and feel confident people will respect you, even if they act like they hate you. Everyone is different and unique and that is what makes them beautiful. I'm 100% positive that there are TONS of boys who think you are GORGEOUS because you are! They will love you for being unique. Don't do what all the other girls are doing. Just do what makes you feel confident! I know it's hard to feel pretty when people tell you that you aren't but you have to believe it. I know you'll pull through! :) Just keep your head up!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can I still sue Dodge?

Never sue Dodge! I love them!!!!...but they don't make very good vehicles.....but what can u expect from american made anything these days....

Got suspended for not letting supervisor that someone was stealing from one of his stores?

i work for mc Donald's for over four years, one day my brother, a friend and me went to another mc Donald's to say hi to a friend, they were already closing and my brother ask him if he can have some pies, the employee give him the pies and by this time the manager on duty didn't said anything so i thought was ok because they had already close and they were trowing that to the waste, next day i heard that the employee and manager got fired for giving out two pies and apparently it was my fault too because im a manger from another store and didn't no body know what were they doing, so i went to day almost a week and my supervisor told me that i should let him know and as a manager im representing mc Donald's, thought it was stupid first of all i wasn't warring my uniform and i didn't took anything do think he is correct i should i do something please help me out

Is This Spolier True !!!!!!!!!!!?

ya it is for the next raw and if cena loses he will get fired so this makes the match more fun to watch

Is the worst kind of taping a DOUBLE taping?

I know. They ruined a big thing doing that, but, that's how TNA does it each and every week. I think TNA would be more powerful if it didn't do that to be honest.

Why do people still think CM Punk's promo was a shoot?

Because people are too stubborn to admit they're wrong. When The Undertaker came back on the 2/21/11 edition of RAW people were still claiming that Sting was going to come to the WWE despite him not actually being in the numerous vignettes they played for 2/21/11 like they said he was.

Is this a possibility?

Im a 16 year old male who is committed to being an actor. The only thing is, ive been homeschooled for the majority of my school years, so i dont have any experience in any school theater activities/plays etc. But i wanted to go to acting classes to sort of help me out with that situation. Now if i go to acting school, will that count as SOMETHING towards an audition? I know if i go to auditions there will be people with school theater experience and stuff, and again, i dont have that experience. Would going to an acting school basically be the same thing as actual school theater activities? I am fully determined to be the best actor i can be and basically wont take no for an answer and wont give up, but i need something that looks good for me on my part so i could have a better chance of getting casted. So would acting school be the way to go? I mean i would say just straight auditions for me, and i just have a feeling i would ace an audition and get a part too. But i just dont know yet. So What should i do bottom line: acting school? Or straight auditions, and not give up on the auditions until i get a part? Help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

What's the most embarrassing thing a child (not your own) has said to you?

You know kids, they don't need to censor themselves. What is the most embarrassing thing a child has said to you?

UK censoring youtube protest vids, what's this about?

It's about the rise of the Antichrist and the mark of the beast system. Google is showing just how willing it is to be used as a tool of the new Gestapo. Imagine that. Hitler with Google capability.

How long is a temporary suspension on xbox live?

It's a 24 hour ban so it will end at 8:01 PM tomorrow. Censoring your words with asterisks does not keep you from getting banned.

Any comments appreciated :) !?

sounds mysterious! i would watch your overabundance of adjectives though. some people are really into them but a lot of people i know tend to skim through the paragraph when they see there are so many adjectives.

Can i watch degrassi online ?

I mean live, like the new episode that's on tv, can I watch it online alas its preferring on tv or no. Do I have to wait trill ra old. My mom and stepdad turned off the cable cuz hey want to focus on other thing and 'purge it from our systems' so basically the whole family's tv privileges have been suspended indefinatly. And I will not miss my derassi so please help.

I got caught driving with a suspended license (not DUI related),should i seek legal counsel?

I recently got my car impounded for driving with a suspended license (not DUI related). Will i get jail time or will i still have the opportunity to get a restricted license for work/school purposes(i didn't know i had the option before)?I already began researching online but with all the "paragraph, subdivision, V C sections & chapters" it gets a little confusing. Is it a must to seek legal counsel?

I miss him so much..?

(boyfriend)he was like the sweetest guy I'd ever met and then he got suspended for bringing a knife to school and then he changed a little bit but it started to become more and more noticeable over time...he used to say the sweetest things to me no matter where we were but then he only said them to me outside of school...whenever i would try to talk to him at his bench in the morning he would like blow me off and then starts treating me like dirt..after he said he would never do that just a few weeks of course i had to break up with him cause i felt like i didn't know him anymore and like i was trying to love something that wasn't there anymore...and i haven't seen him for weeks now and i miss him and his family really badly and i think I'm starting to go crazy..what should i do to get him out of my mind cause i keep thinking i see him everywhere i go. i need to see him or something ...please help me i don't know what i should do...

Can black magic change a person's destiny?

Salam If we look on the fact in the society,black magic can change a person's destiny for example become richer,but his/her way is against with syaria law,sohe/she will has shirk sinsbecause he/she ask for help to syaitan or iblis We should worship Allah and ask for help to Allah only through dua Black magic is haram to be done.It is not the straight way.

They are taping next week's Raw right now, and if Punk is really suspended, does that mean WWE has to?

rewrite everything they had set up regarding Punk and Cena for next week's raw (which is being taped now due to them going overseas next week) during the taping thats going on now.

Would anybody happen to know about The Hunger Games casting calls?

I know that all the tributes from every district have been casted, except for cato and clove of district 2. I believe that I fit the Cato character very well. Cato is described as a "monsterous boy" who is a ruthless killing machine. Everybody I meet always compliments me on my size, saying I have "the widest shoulders they have ever seen" I also have dark hair, green eyes. I don;t have any pics of me, unfortunately I don't have a Facebook or Myspace. But I feel like I would have a good chance for Cato, especially because of my size. I've been in about 3 plays, been to some acting camps as well. So I have some experience. So would anybody happen to know if there is still open casting calls for Cato?

Where can I watch Kanojo Kanojo Kanojo Sub/Uncensored?

I keep finding sites but they either don't have it or it's censored please help me. I'll keep looking for sites with it uncensored. Thanks for all the help.

WWE/WWF Quiz inside test your knowledge?

1. Stevie Richards, Val Venis, The Godfather, Bull Buchanan, Ivory 2. Eric Bischoff gave the title to Triple H. 3. Rico 4. Crash Holly-12 5. Edge & Christian and The New Brood better known as the Hardy Boys 6. Stone Cold Steve Austin 7. King Kong Bundy 8. Triple H, Chyna, Shawn Micheals 9. Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash 10. WORLD HEAVYWIEGT CHAMPIONSHIP in the very first Elimination Chamber

There was a guy on yahoo answers talking about the watchers, the tower of babel, 12 gates, I jus wnt more info?

he posted videos and links... um he answered someones question about extraterrestials and the bible..he mentioned that an alien was trying to be close with humans but god casted him away... the alien tried to 2 come bak but ***** so he turned into a vortex to see evrything... if u kno wat he talking about please post the links n stuff

Does it seem like there's any chance of us being together again?

When I was 12 I met this boy. He was 15. We met on myspace and started texting and calling each other. We started dating the first day we met. We met four months later. He came from a troubled home and had anger issues and got suspended from school for fights alot and he did drugs. I was on the honor roll and in church choir. I was shy and sweet, he was loud and obnoxious. We were complete opposites. My mom didn't want me dating at such a young but she saw how happy he made me and he practically moved in with us. He stopped doing drugs and I helped him with his homework so his grades improved. I gave him comfort, compassion, and security and he brought out the adventurous side in me and taught me how to really live. When he was 16 and I was almost 13 we had been dating for nine months when we had sex. Sex became a big part of our relationship. After we've been dating for a year and a half, I had a pregnancy scare and we told our parents, his Dad went to the cops and told them we were having sex because he didn't like it. They separated us. He said he would wait for me, but he lied. He was dating other girls, but snuck over to my house sometimes, just to have sex with me, he made it very clear he doesn't want to be with me anymore. Well whenever he does sneak over, I always tell him I love him and miss him. He gets a kind of sad look. He must still care about me right if he still talks to me? Otherwise he wouldn't even risk it. He went back to doing drugs and he even had to be revived because he overdosed. My grades slipped, I've now had sex with 12 different guys, I smoke and drink, and am extremely depressed. He's 18 and I'm 15 now, he's living with his new girlfriend. I was thinking when I'm 16 I could get emancipated and marry him but I don't know. Does it seem like there's any chance of him wanting to be with me? Considering he talks to me all the time and cheats on his girlfriend with me? What should I do?

Is Youtube Evil because they worship satan! or at least follow satanic dogma and conspiracy against Americans?

That would be like blaming the gun for the murder. It is the person holding the gun that is the murderer. Youtube has a lot of good on it too. My son has a new website that has sermons, songs and links to Christian sites. Global Rumblings run by Dee Rohe has a lot of youtube info on earthquakes, weather changes and PlanetX/Nibiru/Elenin.

If I'm on probation, can I switch to house arrest?

I had a DUI a couple months back which involved me crashing my motorcycle. I had the option of house arrest and a 6-12 month license suspension or 6 months of probation and a 60 day license impoundment. I chose my probation because then I can get my license back quicker and be back on my motorcycle quicker. Turns out my license is suspended for 6 months anyways do to too many points being removed. Now I'd rather just do house arrest since my license is suspended for 6 months anyways and not have to worry about all the probation stuff. Can I switch to house arrest?

Is this a good thesis statement?

I'm writing an essay for my english class and need to know if this thesis statement is good. Please answer as soon as possible! Snowball is a brilliantly casted mirror to Leon Trotsky and in their lives they share many similarities.

What does GameStop's ad mean?

You get the 40% greater trade value when you turn in a game as compared to normal price, and that amount goes towards the pre-order of any E3 releases.

What do you think, Hunger Games fans?

Before, I thought Katnis should be casted different, but now, idk... I think it might be a good fit.... But For Peeta.... Tsk tsk to the casting directors..... And Thresh and Katnis's mom was off, in my mind, too, but not as much. But others were good. I hope it's a good movie....

What happens to a person who gets cought driving with a suspended drivers lisence in IL?.?

Do they get jail time, a fine , or both ?.. The insurance dint specify what type of insurance i needed there for i got regular insurance but i needed sr22. Then one day i got pulled over for no seat belt, while the cop check out my license it turn out that my driver license was suspended because of the insurance. They took my license gave me a tickets and was told to show up to court on so xx date..They also took my car away :(.. i got the car back and called the insurance where they change my insurance to sr22 and my license is not suspended anymore i still have court , so my question is do i have to save my nickles and dimes or invest in cigarettes and shanks ?.. thank you this information will be really helpful to me . :D ,, i cant sleep at night ..

Can I Still Drive My Car?

Information: My car is a 2001 Mustang. It has 4 catalytic converters. Right now, my service engine light is blinking. Before, it was on but that was because of an 02 censor. Anyways, I had my car checked my professionals and their thing read an error on my catalytic converters. I guess my car's cylinder one and cylinder 5 are messing up. (It has 6). And my 02 censor and catalytic converters are messed up. Right now, my car runs. I drive it every once in a while. It shakes soemtimes, it's loud and it takes a while to accelerate to certain speeds. Also, when it shifts gears, it's more of a jerk to get into the gear. It doesn't do it as smoothly. And my car's exhaust smells terrible.... Anyways, can I drive it? I'm a 17 year old girl, who can't afford to fix it right away.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What are the three weird questions that make any girl "love" you?

In an adult site (a color then tube after it) there is an advert that says "learn three weird questions that make any girl wanna (censored)". I do not want to click on it in case I get a virus, but I just want to see how effective (or not) they are. I highly doubt that they work anyway but I am just curious. (if it doesn't follow the guide lines just message me.)

Ok yahoo owners dont want me to buy account from strangers?

so yahoo owners should sell me a 6th level account. They are suspending me always! then I will pay for it and buy!? what? you have something against money? talk to the hand!

The fact that CM Punk is "suspended" not released means that the shoot promo was a work?

Obviously it was a worked shoot and during the tv taping last night following the live Raw that will air on next weeks Raw, Punk was reinstated by Vince.

How can I be casted in a horror film?

I love horror films and I just saw the Human Centipede last night and loved it! I always thought it would be awesome to be in a horror film, but dont know where to go to? I love IFC films and would KILL to be in one of their movies.. Or just any horror film for that matter. Any advice on how to acheive this?

Are there new FCC laws? Comedy Central is not censoring. Weird. When did this happen?

Tosh.0 was saying "*******", "****" and "Fucko". Just wondering if this was a mistake or there were new laws.

Advice for an easy-quiter when things gets tough?

Lay on bed, think about your past mistake and compare the present lac off. List out, you have more power to face coming academic exams. Tell your self I can, I do, I can face. Sleep well Pray to God. Think in positive way. You can do.

Can i register a car that my boyfriend bought me im the cosigner and hes gone and i have the car?

well hes not gonna be around for three years and suspended license for five and i need the car to be registered

How to contact twitter via phone?

As a company , we want to verify our account ... and we don't know why it was suspended ... we look forward to an answer ASAP...

What is the " LAKE OF FIRE " for?

"LAKE OF FIRE" Was a typing Error it was supposed to be "HOT TUB" what else can you expect from a 2000 yr old Publisher ?

Is Hypocrisy rampant in todays Republican Party, they are now censoring mail from Congress,is that Free Speech?

Did you expect any legitimate response from a Yahoo con to counter this? They are trying as heck to get that Killing Medicare Votes off their record no matter what they have to do. They will lie cheat and steal if they have to to keep their power. 2012 will fix this when more and more people figure out their plan. Funny but even the Republican base is catching on and we all know how slow they can be to grasp things.

What does this mean ......? Read please?

The bleeding thing you refer to simply has to do with her period ,the monthly cycle of menstruation that maturing gals go through.Every month at about the same time ,a woman would get her menstrual cycle if during that month she does not have sex or she has sex but does not get pregnant.The fact that you do no know this tells me that you are very young and immature. Hence I will suggest that you read up on sex,menstruation,pregnancy,and sexual protection. Now is the time for you to start learning about sex and the nature of sex----history,''''''''diseases.treatmen… and so on.The bottom line is that this something you have to learn before you start engaging in sexual intercourse.Due to your very young and tender age,this is your only option.

Why do TV shows censor things like potato chips or drinks?

The show won't advertise WITHOUT getting paid. It just doesn't happen. They're blurring out the product because they're not getting any benefits.

Is it Copyright to Upload Casted Gaming Replays?

I would say so. I would not want people downloading my videos, and reuploading them. If it is under creative commons it is ok. Otherwise it does break an agreement for copyright with YouTube.

Questions about spells?

It comes down to intent. If you cast intending to harm, it will rebound on you three-fold. If your intent is good, you're fine. Magick is subtle, not showy. That should give you a good idea what can actually be done. You have to believe you CAN do it in order for it to work.

I just casted a love spell , does it really work ?

I have been practicing witchcraft for 4 years…what I would like to say is love spells work if you believe it with confidence. If your thirst for love is true, then I’m sure it will work for you… I hope you have did it in the right way or else look for resources and gain enough knowledge on love spells and the right way to spell it.

What's ur opinion of this girl getting fired for wearing hijab?

I think it's a really mean and cruel thing to do. I am Muslim and I wear the hijab because of my religion. They should respect that.

Ebay account suspended......?

Have you ever used eBay @ all before? Also did you verify your account? That is important, contact eBay 'live help' & ask why they've de-listed you. Perhaps you asked for a non-approved method of payment (like western union which is a good 1 that scammers use)?

Why hasn't this actress found work?

You can have all the training in the world, but if you don't have talent, you'll get nowhere. Attending classes doesn't tell anyone that you are able to book jobs. Casting directors and agents need to see your talent and that you are capable of getting hired.

TV show casting question?

There are several reasons. One is that older actors are generally more talented because they have more experience. Another is that using child actors requires a lot of work in order to comply with child labor laws. They can only work a certain number of hours, they have to be educated, and there a

What do you think about the video game supreme court ruling?

I agree with the ruling. I'm honestly sick of being expected to parent other lazy parent's kids. I don't give a f--k about your children. I want my violent, sexual, uncensored art.

Do most people believe in Abrahamic God cause he has the most brutal punishment for non believers of any god?

It makes sense that most religious people believe in the Abrahamic God, instead of the other thousands of gods, because he's the most known, for being unforgiven, cruelty, vengeance, and sadistic nature of all the gods! So of course, no one wants to be on his bad side, so they all follow his every command, and say it's out of love, when it's clearly motivated by fear of punishment! But they say they obey out of love, because it's embarrassing to admit you obey someone out of fear of their wrath! I still maintain, fear of hell, fear of being out casted from religious community, (which makes up majority of most communities) fear of non existence after death, and fear of letting fellow religious loved ones down, are the driving forces of belief in this most tyrannical of gods!

Does Republican talk on "Free Speech collide with the Reality of what they are doing in Censoring Free Speech?

Republicans blindly support people that are elitists and seek to control all wealth of the country, ending all social programs, limiting women's and gay rights, and making the middle and lower classes pay higher percentages of their income as taxes. Crooked bastards.

I had a positive dream of bats last night. What does it mean?

That's a strange dream. I would assume it means nothing. But you never know, you could get a second opinion, like professional. But it might just be one of those weird dreams that make you wonder. Happens to me WAY too much...

Do you think the works of Mark Twain should be censored?

No. The similar phenomenon was just happen in my country (Malaysia) in which a word from a notable National Laureate's work was changed. The book is a historical fiction written about forty years ago. In this case, it is the p' word that refer to the lowest social class of the Indians society which means 'untouchable'. The usage of the word in the book also is not for racism purpose but it is a historical fact that the status really exist at that time.

Can I record the royal wedding while its playing on tv?

May be not. You can download it later on YouTube with a free Youtube downloader. By the way British Royal Family will broadcast live the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton through YouTube British Royal Channel.

Gaston costume for ballet performance?

Okay so my communities ballet company is performing beauty and the beast and i was casted as gaston, anywho I'm helping the director with my costume and i can't find anything!! I need something that will show my arms, but also beauty and the beast like but also not the costume they have in the animated movie...

Can the government shut down your website? What form of censorship does the USA have?

I understand other parts of the world like China and the middle East there is active censorship of the media and the internet itself. The USA is more or less free to put up anything with the exception of child pornography and other materials. What else is censored in the US? What websites can the United States government legally or illegally shut down? If you made a website detailing how to make antrax or something would the government be able to shut down that website? How do people like that wikileaks fool get away with posting all this crazy stuff and not getting shutdown?

What kind of stuff was censored in the Viz Media Dragon Ball manga boxset?

You know, this: What kind of stuff is kept in, and what kind of stuff is censored?

Why won't Gillette call their 6-bladed disposable razors something awesome like "Sextetual Dynamo"?

Confidence in marketing department wavering. Consumer loyalty has been suspended due to complete and total lameness.

Howcome when i tied a fishermen knot on my line my crankbait fell off?

just bought a crank-bait the other day and was fishing in a lil pond near me, at first i was getting good action and hard bites. so i casted out again and it fell off. normally i tie the fishermen knot cuz that's all i know how to tie because that's what i use for my hooks and seemed itd work for my crank-bait let me know if this is fine or if there is another easy knot put give me directions please

Why don’t ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and PMSNBC report crimes like this?

Your answer lies within your first two posters , leftists always hide the truth and defend the lie , without fail they do , its how the left rolls

If Satan is from Heaven and God isn't, who should I worship?

I mean, Satan casted God out of Heaven along with 2/3 of the angels along with Santa Claus who now lives in an alternate dimension of Earth. So is God punishing us? Or is Satan saving us? Please tell me.

Are American Christians for or against free speech?

Just wondering. With all the censoring they're doing I guess they're against it but I'm probably wrong. So yea, just wondering ^^.

How do I bear finding out my boss and a coworker are distantly related?

Huh? Honey, you were probably let go because you look into stuff too much. You are over analyzing and trying too hard. Guess what? There are going to be lots of people in your life who are pain in the butts, or just downright don't like you. Get over it. You're trying to be something you're not, and you sound like you may have a bit of a temper (although, given your situation, it was probably stress.) CALM DOWN. Be yourself, and don't try to be something you're not. YOU probably hurt YOUR chances by being verbally abusive, flicking your boss off (maybe she did see it after all?) and finally, yelling at your boss. If future employers are calling your boss, she can't lie for you. If you were honestly verbally abusive, she's going to say that you can be difficult to handle. If you yelled at her, she may have told them you are not afraid to stand up for yourself under any circumstances. Your downfall happened because you let it happen.

Simple harmonic motion?

A spring constant of k = 11.75 N/m is hung vertically. A 0.500 kg mass is suspended from the spring. What is the displacement of the end of the spring due to the weight of the 0.500 kg mass?

I have a 94 caravan and when im running down the road it just shuts off. It has the 3.3 in it?

Update on it I changed the camshaft censor and the fuel pump relay and it is still shutting down. It don't do it as bad but is still doing it. Anyone know whats going on or what I can change on it now?

Since CM Punk is suspended.. What's going to happen?

After Raw, Michael Cole said that there was going to be a match next week to decide the new #1 contender for the WWE Title. It would be R-Truth vs Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio.

Why dose Y! Answers..?

Why dose it suspend your email!! I mean a email is the most important thing in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why cant they just banned us from Y!Answers instead!

Has the FCC laws changed? I haven't heard any censoring on Comedy Central today.?

I heard on Daniel Tosh's show, F***, SH** and Fucko today. Just wondering whats up? Did FCC change something??

PLEASE teach me how to knit!?

There are some things that you just need to be with a teacher to learn. Knitting is one because he/she can watch you and instantly correct your technique. You will, in the long run, save a lot of wasted time (and time is money) by working with a teacher. Once you understand the basics better, then you might be able to learn new steps watching a video. Most yarn shops offer knitting classes or one on one instruction.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why is it that Korean stars are often casted as Japanese in American movies?

Japan is popular. Corea is not. Corean is accessible in America. Japanese is not as they don't immigrate to other countries like coreans do and aren't interrested in American success and glorification like coreans do

If they say my account was suspended how long is it banned for?

i was nintendo freak before but i was screwing around so when i went on today they said i was suspended... I kinda want the account back because i was almos ta level three and got some progress in there... how long till i get it back?

Does a license suspension mess up the 6 month permit thing?

I had my license suspended on April 23, 2011 for 90 days for on July 23, It is unsuspended. I have taken all the classes I need and paid my ticket and have the 500 dollars for the reinstatement fee. I have to retake the written and road test, but because I am 17 does that mean I have to redo the 6 months with a permit thing. And do I need to redo drivers ed or the passenger restricition seeing that I already completed those.

Worried about 1986 mercedes 300e passing CA smog.?

I worked on a few.. Go down to the auto parts store... Have the pull up the codes... It's free... It will tell you witch one it it. Fix that and whatever elas it needs... As for the starting in neutral only... Most likely your neutral switch is bad or some you can adjust... After you have had the repair done... Go back to the auto parts store and they can erase the codes and you will pass... On some Mercedes it is not recommended to clear the codes by battery disconnection... Good luck. They will have to order the parts...

Catalytic Converter Problem?

it,s illegal to run without a cat and besides it will suck down gas with it off. see if you can get the muffler shop to weld the crack shut.

What should i do and say?

My guy friend that i fancy, he knows i fancy him. And i got him on blackberry messenger, and he broad casted out to me saying "Who wants to come my party tonite :) xx" and i think it was only sent to me and no body else. But sometimes whenever i write something to him, he reads it and he ignores it and it makes me cry. And I want to go to his party, but i'm scared hes not gonna pay attention to me :/ what should i do and say, plus i soo wanna kiss him, if i do go to his party. Theres gonna be alcohol there so everyone would get really drunk.

Is Yahoo Answers censoring anti-Israeli questions?

THRICE my questions on: "Why do Westerners turn a blind eye towards Israel's terrorism?" has been deleted in the PAST DAY.

Why don't we hear about female politicians and female celebrities having affairs?

Whenever someone like Arnold or Tiger cheats, this gets broad-casted everywhere and the media talks about them nonstop and then the media starts generalizing men and trying to come up with complex explanations about why men in power cheat. Why doesn't the media give this much coverage to female politicians and female celebrities who cheat?

I got into a bad car accident and was rushed off to the hospital can I sue?

I got into a car accident because of a defective feature on the car. I blacked out during most of it, but I remember hitting my head but Im not sure what I hit it on. The airbags did not go off so it is assumed that I hit my head on the steering wheel. The car is a brand new 2011 Dodge Challenger and NOTHING should have been wrong with the car at all (One of the wheels just popped off after an episode of violent shaking). My 4 year old son and I were rushed off to the hospital in an ambulance. My son was checked out first and they said there was absolutely nothing wrong with him (according to paramedics the car seat was strapped down so well, that it didnt even move during the whole ordeal). I, on the other hand, had a concussion and severe case of whiplash (thank god for seatbelts). I was pretty lucky considering the extent of the damage. Anyways, while I was at the hospital recovering, the officer who was at the scene of my accident came in and handed me a citation for something like having an unsafe vehilce (stupid) and a ticket for a suspended license. I had no idea my license was suspended and had no reason to think I did because a couple weeks earlier I had been at a road block and the ran my name in the system because I didnt have my license on me. They told me I had a warrant for an FTA on a speeding ticket, but that was all. They didnt say anything a bout a suspended license and they let me go. I called the DMV and they said my license has been suspended since January of this year!!! So I was shocked to hear that because I hadnt received any mail letting me know anything about..... ANYTHING. I was planning on getting a lawyer and suing Dodge for the defective car they sold me and they damages done to my neck and head and emotional blah blah (you know the works). But will this license suspension be a big issue? How much does it affect the case since I didnt receive any letters about the suspension and the whole road block issue with nobody telling me my license was suspended. And if my license was suspended since the begining of January and I bought the car (and insurance) in April, how come the suspension didnt show up then? Im confused.... Please help

USA Is censoring parts of the anime?

The 4Kids English version of One Piece was censored A LOT, but the Funimation English version was kept the same as in Japan. Certain US companies censor anime, but Funimation does not.

If you are "casted" in the role...?

You don't get "casted". You got cast in a show, you've been cast, you're hoping to get cast. You are never, ever "casted". I've never heard that term used in any professional theatre.

How successful were countries after they casted out individuals that are undesirable?

take into consideration several years back when cuba sent their criminals fresh from their jails, mentally ill and prostitutes to the US. Also several hundred years when england sent some of their criminals to austria and when several criminals from europe to Honduras. Did casting out these individuals get the desired effect the countries wanted in that country or did it increase problems

What are reasons to get suspended from Yahoo Answers?

One serious violation might be enough to get an account suspended. Getting multiple minor violations may get an account suspended too. It really depends on the severity of the violation. Really why risk violating the community guidelines?

How can i participate on this website without getting suspended?

I'm tired of getting suspended, i know you get suspended when a bunch of people disagree with you and they report you but it's not fun anymore. This is supposed to be fun, answering questions and helping out whatever but i don't want to get put back to level 1 just because somebody doesn't agree with me. Stupid stupid stupid rules. I don't care too much but you know, it's a stupid thing that people get suspended so easily

Who contributes more to the welfare problem?

Hi, "obama's administration"! When you continue to take the "american" peoples money and "spend" it on "special interest"groups, unions, abortion clinics, global warming, giving "money" to the "world", raising "taxes", gas prices! And layoffs, expensive "health" insurance costs, spending "cuts" to education! This will make the welfare program a "costly" choice!

What objects around the house are casted or moulded?

Water tapes, the kitchen sink , the wash basin , the bath tub , WC , shower trays , door handles , aluminum frames ,

How can I decide if my photo is of diffuse reflection or regular reflection?

I held up a cross to the wall and opened the blinds just enough to give some light and a shadow of the cross was casted on the wall. I can't figure out if it's diffuse reflection or regular reflection.

I'll never be "anyone." (Serious question)?

I think there are times in life when we all feel as if life has conspired in such a way as to prevent us from getting anywhere or being what we what to be. Youth is a precarious time because there are so few "measures" we look to for the elusive feeling of happiness. Hang in there. As we get older our lives expand and shift so many times over. Problems that seems overwhelming at one point pale in comparing to others we experience later. At the same time, we learn that there are joys that fill us to the core of our beings and that no problem can take from us. Same with feeling secure inside. That takes years to really develop. Your intelligence is your friend and your enemy right now. Try to reserve any final analysis on the meaning of your life or on your relative degree of joy given certain joy criteria set by the culture we live in. What brings you joy may have nothing to do with number of friends, gpa, etc. Perhaps you will become an actress on Broadway on day, or you may be a playwright. Maybe you could begin a writing now utilizing you emotional depth, intelligence, and knocks in family life as your guide. May bring you a wholly new form of fulfillment that you never considered before. Our culture touts "happy" as a big goal. Serenity, gratitude, peace of mind, finding fulfillment in the ability to be compassionate toward others -- these things are the stuff of a joyful life.

Wow account hacked!pls help me?

Just contact Blizzard, go to support there is a whole section on what to do if hacked here's a link. The best thing you can do is just remain calm. Here's the link a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does anybody know who does black magic in inda or pakistan?

I want my girl back. I love her alot and i cant see her with anyone else. Somebody has already casted a black magic on her to make her stay away from me and it is working for them. She doesnt even like talking to me anymore. She was the person wo couldnt live without me for a min and I always liked that and always be with her. I would really appreciate if you would tell me. Please no comment or speeches. I know what I am doing. Serious answers please.

Someone wants to fight me?

did you do something wrong? or you just got in a fight for no reason if yes ask a teacher for help oh any trusted adults if no then reason out with the bully if you cant run away and scream

Worried about 1986 mercedes 300e passing CA smog.?

You will not pass the smog test if the 02 sensor is on and if you disconnect the battery it takes up to 150 miles of driving for the computer to reset the codes so they can test the smog system good luck

Anyone read The Hunger Games?

I just finished the trilogy The Hunger Games, and at the beginning I really liked it. I loved book one and two but during book three I got this weird feeling. I think the whole series is great, even though I was kind iffy on the last book. Not going to lie, I shed a few tears while reading the surprising deaths, and how she loses touch with everyone (basically) she has ever cared about. I know the movie is coming out in March of 2012, so I was just wondering what everyone else's thoughts were on the books. And do you like who they casted to play each part?

Why did they give my this kind of cast?

Ok when i broke my thumb the gave my a cast that goes to your elbow like when you break your wrist, but it also had the thumb part casted too. I had a complete fracture in the sesamoid bone in my thumb. Why did i get a cast that long?

Am I the only one who thinks yahoo censors & "Community Guidelines" are sipsips?

Its seems they think whores & bad boys are a subculture protected by "constitutionally Suspect Criteria" against inflamatory or abusive postings. I think the censors are lazy Trolls who ref guidelines to avoid doing their job. Sit on butt and play video games

Is the law that censors "emotionally disturbing" images on the internet unconstitutional?

I logged onto a forum board once and it was being spammed by some trolls. they were posting an image of a man with an inside out anus (no joke) I thought it was extremely gross but laughed too. My mother threw up and was disturbed by it. How does one define "emotionally disturbing"? You could make anything fit into that label. like footage from that one TV show about little girls dating fashion shows, I'm sure a lot of people find that emotionally disturbing. Would about occult themed websites for people into the occult or using it for a band's website. I'm sure those images like an inverted cross and a bloody dead jesus would be "emotionally disturbing" so some, but not most. would about those images they show on some sites that show how crazy Muslims cut the head off of a teenage christian girl? you can find images of that, but even that has it's legitimate uses. what defines "emotionally disturbing" to some, is not to others. I think the law is deeply flawed.

Any fishing experts here?? HOW DO I FISH?

My teacher (Marine Bio) took us fishing in brackish water. What he did for bait was, he took canned sardines and mixed it with flour ( as a filler.) It became this fishy dough that was easy to plant on the hook. And even I, as a terrible fisher, could even catch loads of fish with it. Because saltwater and freshwater animals are different, they might not recognize a bait from the wrong habitat ( I assume.) Hope this helps!

Harry Potter Horcrux//living question?

It's #3. Voldy killed the part of himself inside Harry. That part was technically a horcrux because it was part of his soul. That's why Harry could share thoughts with him.

Iam from rajapalayam . have casted my vote during tn elections on 13 th ap under 49 o category . but in tday?

dinamalar paper i read that no body at virudhunagar dt have casted under 49 o . how this news came when still the counting has not been started? how my vote has been accounted . like me some friends also have casted the vote under 49 o . iam really confused and with whom i should lodge complaint . pl reply

What is wrong with steam?

i used to have a steam account a few years back. every time i try and log in it says my account has been suspended or something, and when i try to make a new account it doesn't work and says please try later. can someone help?

When will Cheerleading Worlds be broad casted on TV?

I've heard that every year it's broad casted on ESPN or something and I was wondering when that will be so that I know when...thanks! Be specfic date & time for 2011 ! (:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do I get a message announcement during a WGN broad casted Cubs game for a die-hard fan attending the game?

Diehard Cubs fan finally making it to a Cubs - want her friends back home to hear over the TV something like " .. we have XXX, big fans of the Cubs visiting all the way from country XXX ... ".

DMV VA reinstatement fee?

I had a VA learners permit but it was suspended. I now live in DC and I tried getting a drivers license out here but they said I had to clear somethings up with the DMV VA first. I paid the reinstatement fee and I tried to surrender my permit but the woman said I had to take an 8 hour driver improvement course. But, I dont live in VA anymore so why am I still required to take a drivers improvement course? I spoke to 3 diffrent customer service representatives via phone and they told me that I can have that class waived. But when i went to the dmv today the woman told me that i still had to take the course. Do I still have to take the drivers improvement course?

Is there a website in California to chek for suspended license for free?

Do anyone knows of a link or website I can.chex 2 c if my license r supended in the state of California?

Help: How to break a black magic spell?

In this case a love spell but it's an evil one. It was casted by a married man to a girl he tried to get after a while. Now she follows all his words like a zombie and in the verge of breaking up with her bf.

Why do people care about "bad" words?

They fuss about it because they are idiots. If you and your friends want to be able to cuss in public, I suggest you learn how to say the swear words in a different language so you can say them without offending other people. I do it in the middle of class sometimes. Learn something cool like in Italian or German.

Why do sites such as youtube censor videos of girls kissing?

Honestly, what is the problem with that? Im not gay and Im not homophobic but I really fail to see why society looks at this as such a shocking thing

Do companions take mages casted spell's damage in Dragon Age 2 ?

Its only in nightmare mode. The enemies are probably just getting critical strikes or you are allowing an enemy rogue to stand behind its target. Rogues also do a ton of damage to their target when they reappear after vanishing.

Why does my freind keep trying to convert me?

I am an athiest and i dont want to be a christian but my freind keeps bugging me about it. he is a catholic and he tries to convert me at least twice a day. i have tried telling him that i dont believe in god but he gets mad at me. one day he got really mad and then punched me so it turned into a fight and i got suspended from school but since it was considered self defense on my part it didnt go on my record. i really want him to stop and i am really tired of it. can some of you give me some advice on what to do? dont tell me to covert and dont tell me im going to burn in hell im kind of depressed right now.

I want to get back at my ex anyone have any ideas?

A year ago tomorrow he betrayed me by falsely accusing me with the company we both work for in saying that I was stalking him at work which was a complete lie! We were dating at the time, we were each others first everything! And he does this to me because Everyone else at work had turned on me and got me suspended! then 5 months after we get back together again after he explains that he was sorry and regreted it ever since. a month after he tells me to move out to san diego to be with him I come to find out that he is cheated on me while I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage because of it. I get on the phone to tell him I miscarried and he tells me He Does not care!! I was on the floor crying my eyes out. My ex Josh really put me through hell! Which I did not deserve. I never did anything to him except love him to the fullest and all I got were lies and deception and heartache. I mean he really made me suffer and to this day I am suffering for it! I want to know if anyone has any idea how I can get back at him for doing all of this to me!?! I know the woman that he is with is his Coworker and they both work for the service deli. So I was thinking of making an anonymous call to his boss about them being rude and cussing etc...

If you saw a young girl (about 12/13) walking home from the bus stop in the rain with a broken foot and no?

I would be really upset if the girl was walking home alone. I find that even more irresponsible. If it's a walking cast, they are supposed to be walking on it!!

Is sex much more pleasureable for uncircumcised men?

This is one of those rhetorical questions, right? Seriously, circumcision regularly removes 75% of the penises sensitivity, so of course sex is better with a foreskin.

Timothy olyphant vs. jason statham?

I just saw the movie hitman based on the video game trilogy, so anyways I thought Timothy Olyphant was a great actor but I still think Jason Statham would have played a better role in this, does anyone know if he was casted for the role? Did he turn it down? Anything?

Is Yahoo Answers allowed to censor speech?

I understand it's a private organization, but does it still have authority to remove answers and questions that it opposes

Could I sue my daughters school for this accident??

Ok in January my daughter was playing in gym class a broke her thumb pretty badly (in half). I took her to the doctor and the casted her for three weeks. It still was not healed so they gave her a brace and she went to therapy. The therapist took her brace away and told her not to wear it. It was still broken!!! In April she ened up having surgery on her thumb because it wasnt healing. She still isnt recovered yet! Also her gym teacher made her play in gym!! She is currently out of gym and in a sling for a long time! Should i sue the school?

Is there a good height for a Broadway actor?

I want to be on Broadway in the future. Ive been training so hard over the past years and I would hate to not be casted because I am too short. I am 17 (turning 18 in 3 weeks) and I am 5' 7.5".

Broken ankle, is a cast possible?

Not all breaks are treated with a cast. Some require a brace, a splint, or a boot. Usully the parent can requst a cast.

Traffic ticket from 2008 is causing my license to begin suspension in 2011, is this legal?

I had received a traffic ticket in 2008 and now I am just receiving a notice in the mail that I will have my drivers license suspended starting now in 2011 and ending in 2013. My license was previously suspended for 2 years back in 2009 and just ended last week. I'm just wonder what the deal is here...

Do you think Gertrude is more important then Ophelia?

In the play Hamlet, do you think the landing the role as Gertrude(the annoying mother) or Ophelia(Hamlet's love who goes mad) is more important? I am currently Ophelia and feeling very un special, but I may get re-casted to being Hamlet(which is amazing!!), but in case I don't, my good friend tends to brag about how she has a more important part then me being Gertrude... so just wanting a second opinion. Thanks!

What is the pros and cons of journalists "embedded" with coalition troops?

In my opinion embedded journalists have the opportunity to get to know the troops they are reporting on and understand what they are doing. This makes there reports a good deal more knowledgeable and, with that knowledge, usually less slanted to the biased anti-military hatchet job the so-called independent reporters usually file. Independent reporters tend to be hotdogs who breeze onto the scene, make snap judgments about what is going on with little or no knowledge about the circumstance, and file reports full of sensational conclusions that—more often than not—cast the American (or UN) troops in a bad light as being trigger happy. That was the big problem in the Vietnam War. The reporters cast themselves in an adversarial roll, and were ready to believe and report on any negative rumor they heard. In other words, I mostly don’t see an upside to the independent hotdog out looking to make a name for him or herself (like pulling stunts of giving positive interviews to the enemy).

Is the punctuation in my paragraph correct?

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, illustrates the savage nature of humans when rules and laws are abandoned. These boys are casted way to an island, far from civilization. On the island there is no connection to any adults, the boys feels free to do what their heart’s desire. Hidden from civilization the boys do not see their savage nature within themselves, but is shown through their actions and thoughts. Golding introduces three main characters Jack, Simon, and Ralph, each character embodies the main difference between humanity and savagery.

Does a career exist in helping others with social disorders?

i mean like a career where one primarily helps others overcome social anxiety or apsperger type disorders. ithink psychologist do this but im not sure if there is a certain job that is strictly for helping the socially out casted. im just wondering and if helping with social anxiety is one part of the job than list it too.

If atheists don't believe in Lord Jesus, should Lord Jesus raise oil prices, regulate the internet,?

If atheists don't believe in Lord Jesus, should Lord Jesus raise oil prices, regulate the internet, censor the media publications, and add sales tax on designer clothing?

If i drive myself to go pay this ticket will i get into trouble?

If this is your first ticket ever how did you get a suspended license? As far as I am aware no state ssuspend licenses for the first speeding offense

Did I just get attacked in my sleep?

Wait a minute... are you Harry Potter? Are you sure this didn't happen at Hogwarts and the malevolent spirit was Voldemort?

Can you practice magic without becoming a wiccan? Will the casted spells still have effect?

I would like to know if there is anyway that you can practice magic without being part of any religion itself. Is this possible? If it is, how is this craft called? What is the required age to begin to learn about this, cast your own spells and have them work? I'm just curious.

If you were to make a movie of The Twelfth Night, who would you cast as Sebastian and Viola?

I know they already made a film about it, but i didn't like to they casted very much, and I absolutely hated She's The Man the modern twist was boring.

What can I use on my iPod touch to click instead of my finger?

I want to draw on my iPod. I can't do that very well using my finger, like making precise lines as such. So, what can I use? I tried using an eraser on a pencil but I suppose it's heat censored or something. Any suggestions?

Is this a possibility?

Im a 16 year old male who is committed to being an actor. The only thing is, ive been homeschooled for the majority of my school years, so i dont have any experience in any school theater activities/plays etc. But i wanted to go to acting classes to sort of help me out with that situation. Now if i go to acting school, will that count as SOMETHING towards an audition? I know if i go to auditions there will be people with school theater experience and stuff, and again, i dont have that experience. Would going to an acting school basically be the same thing as actual school theater activities? I am fully determined to be the best actor i can be and basically wont take no for an answer and wont give up, but i need something that looks good for me on my part so i could have a better chance of getting casted. So would acting school be the way to go? I mean i would say just straight auditions for me, and i just have a feeling i would ace an audition and get a part too. But i just dont know yet. So What should i do bottom line: acting school? Or straight auditions, and not give up on the auditions until i get a part? Help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What are Disney's Mulan face character requirements?

I am aware that you must be versatile to be casted as a character. I am hoping to get Mulan, Pocahontas, and Silvermist. I'm mostly Asian but slightly mixed with European. I was wondering what requirements there were to be casted. I'm 5'4" but only 103 lbs (someone said that you have to meet even a size requirement?!). I'm not sure if there are any other characters I'd be able to play considering my ethnicity. Also, if any retired faces of Disney could tell me how the auditions are? And any tips on how to stand out?

CM Punk Shoot Promo: Kayfabe or Real?

I mean, they did keep the camera on him the whole time and did keep the mic on longer than they should to begin with when he started shooting. But regardless, that was one badass shoot. Big ups to Punk and thank you Phil Brooks. And if he's really suspended, then why the hell does it matter if he's gonna leave anyways? sXe 4 life.

Is this supposed to happen to my body when bulking up?

Okay so I am a very lean guy, I weigh 132, I am five eight, 28 inch waist, seven percent body fat, but since I was casted as gaston for my ballet company's production i was asked to bulk up, so i have been doing three sets of eight, of the heaviest possible weight, i have been gorging on everything!! I have been eating thee protein shakes a day, an eight ounce chicken breast for lunch with rice, for dinner oatmeal, and for breakfast six egg white omelette sandwich, no cheese, a pound of strawberies, a banana, and a half a cup of peanut butter, that is the minimum, and i only eat healthy, very low in fat or no fat, but i have been eatinh a lot!! it's crazy, i feel like i'm getting bigger in a muscular sense, but in mhy stomach i lost my six pack, it's getting a little flab like it's a flat tummy but i lost my pack, what the hell!! i do cardio four times a week, and strength for three times. suggestions?

How long will it take for a press release of those offended by comments made by new ABC Gameshow competitor?

It should be interesting to see how long the person making the assumptions will last. I won't watch the show....but I know the news & internet will keep me filled in with fun facts. They always do. In the mean time....I'll be rooting for the blind dude to kick her butt & send her home in tears.☺

Betta VS. Black Moor?

Black moors need 20 gallons for 1 and 10 gallons for each additional black moor. I know this sounds like a lot but they can easily reach 6 inches or sometimes more with proper care.

Why do actors move to LA?

How do most actors find work in L.A? Let's say they finish a three year program at an institute for dramatic arts, and then move to LA. How exactly do they find roles? I read on wikipedia of actors relocating to LA and then getting casted for roles. But how? Who the hell do they know? How would you even begin to know where to look after graduating?

Can a 13 year old watch TV-14 stuff?

I do. Just tell them that it's only one year, and that you're responsible enough to know what not to watch.

Speeding ticket while on court supervision?

I got a speeding ticket in june of 2009 and a second speeding ticket in Dec 2010. About a month later I got a letter in the mail from the SOS saying my license was suspended for 3 months. I didn't even know that getting two tickets within two years while being under the age of 21 would cause your license to be suspended and I have 2 kids so I needed to be able to drive. I went to court on a motion to vacate and did a 4 hour driving class online and received court supervision for 120 days to lift up the 2nd ticket. Today on my way to work I got pulled over for going (as the ticket says) 51 in a 35. I was sure I was going about 45 and I let off the gas as soon as I saw the posted speed of 35. But a few seconds after passing the sign the cop pulled me over and said I was going 51. My court supervision is over in 5 days, and I don't have to go to court for the ticket I got today. Is this going to be considered violating my supervision? Will I loose my license?

How do I persuade yahoo answer to un-suspend my account?

It has been two years now. I have forgotten why I was suspended in the first place. I need to provide a compelling argument so that they will free my account.

When are they going to finish casting The Mortal Instruments film?

they casted Lily Collins ages ago, and haven't casted anyone since, why? anyone know who they are contemplating for the roles?

WDYT of the Hunger Games movie cast?

I'm a big fan I read all the books and stuff. Just want to see opinions. I do not like how peer or ge was casted but I think katniss fits the part.

Did CM Punk just cut one of the greatest promos you've ever seen?

That was awesome. Great promo. He just suspended reality for even the greatest of skeptics. Those are the kinds of moments that won't let me walk away

Is yahoo answers like the chinese government?

Mostly it's automatic. If 2 people complain about you, then YA deletes your question. If no-one complains, nothing happens.

What happens in a youth diversion program?

A Youth Diversion Program is set to help you avoid going to Juvie by (1) educating you about the consequences of your actions, (2) attempting to get you to make better choices and friends. Instead of focusing on your punishment (there's nothing you can do about it now) focus on what you can do to avoid repeating the process or ending up in juvenile hall.

How do they cast reality shows like Laguna Beach, Jersey Shore, The Hills?

are they actually friends all of them or are they casted separetly then told to be friends?? and what if when someone new is come to the show? is he/she real or also casted?

Why do we blur babies?

I was watching a show & while somebody was changing their baby's diaper, they blurred his bottom half. Are we really such a prudish & sexually scared nation that we think people will be offended or get a big thrill from seeing a baby's genitals? Are we worried that our children will see? So what?! It's an infant! Honestly, the idea of censoring a baby is ridiculous.

I Wanna Kno Why I Am So Freeaking Depressed? I Feel Like I Wanna Die. How Do I Overcome This?

Well, I Am All Dark Inside I Never Used To Be Like This I Mean There Are A Few People Who care. Butt I Feel So Out Casted And Not Wanted. I Feel Like Everyone Would Be Better Off W/out Me...Any Advice? Someone? Anyone? Please...

What kind of monologue should I prepare to audition with for a whodunnit?

My high school is about two weeks away from auditions for Agatha Christie's "And then there were None". I've only auditioned for Romeo and Juliet before, so I'm not sure what kind of a monologue to memorize for this one. The only restriction is that it has to be between a minute and a half and two minutes. They might also have you read cold from the script with two other actors. The play is about ten contrasting people who get sent to an island and eventually all of them die. The director has already told me that he is planning on having the ten actors along with five understudies. He also said that one of the characters, a spoiled preppy-looking man, will be casted as a female. What kind of monologue would you recommend for this kind of a play?

Inappropriate (pictures)?

Not right at all. The school should not be able to say something is innapropritate unless the photos were to contain drugs, alcohal, or nudity. And quite frankly I don't understand how a school can suspend someone for what they post on their facebook unless it was cyberbullying. I would fight back and take this situation to the district.

Why does Yahoo censor it's comments not for foul language or offensiveness but for political points of view?

They seem to only allow certain political sides to be allowed even though I have seen those sides advocate the murder of government members of Parliament. it seems very strange to allow one side to advocate murder and assassination and allow the other side no voice at all. Shame.

Is My Review of Jersey Shore appropriate for school.?

No. If you have to warn people to not be offended, it is not appropriate for school. Aside from the horrifying grammar, your use of slurs most certainly does not help prove a point. Your language should sound professional, but you made it seem like you're just talking. As your assignment is a review, it is appropriate to include opinions, but you seem to have done this way too much. Your opinions should be on whether or not it is entertaining and whether or not it will do well, not whether or not the characters act black.

So I am going to this play tryout?

I am 14 and its a trollwood second stage play. this will be the biggest play I have done yet...if I get casted. so I am really worried about this cause I really want a part but I am afraid my nerves will be the end of me. so... how do I calm down before hand? I need to know so I can do good!

Online Community for "God Art?"?

You know, a place where anybody and everybody can post religious artwork without fear of being censored. I've been looking but I can't find anything!

Have you ever casted a successful love spell?

No. I understand the difference between fiction and reality. But what I was successful at is creating a lovable image about myself to other people. A guy has fell in love with me and I believe if you are a lovable person, you will be loved in return.

What's this CM Punk Promo thing? What Happened?

Unscripted rant so to say. He threw choice words around like "douchebag" but they were lucky enough to block that out as soon as he said it. Surely somebody has already uploaded it on Youtube. I'll leave it as a surprise for you to watch it.

What women did in world war 1?

A conclusion paragraph explaining how women moving into workplace strengthened their position as being citizens, as opposed to dependents or property.

Is this introduction interesting?

That's good! You have good conflict and are fleshing out the attitudes and thought processes of the characters. I would like to see more of the scene, what kind of car, descriptions of Daniel, James and Riley, whats the weather like? You don't have to throw it all out in a list, fit a little bit in every couple sentences. Also, I like the dialogue. Very interesting. Keep it up!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Does anyone else think Robert Pattionson is a bad kisser?

I mean how in the hell did he and Kristen manage to win best kiss twice? all of their kisses look so uncomfortable and he is always frowning like he has a headache or something. i know its supposed to be hard for him to get close to her and whatever but there are other ways to portray that like suddenly pulling away or hesitating beforehand. the movies totally ruined twilight for me. i actually liked the books, even if they don't have any literary value i cared for the characters and enjoyed the story. but then they casted robert pattinson and kristen stewart as the leads. first of all, robert pattinson is a reasonably hot guy but he doesnt know how to kiss and he certainly doesnt know how to act. and even though i am a big fan of kristen stewart, (loved her in the yellow handkerchief, panic room, adventureland), she just isnt good as bella. she doesnt have the big chocolate brown eyes or the feminine features i pictured bella to have. i got a little off topic here but does anyone agree with me that the movies just keep getting worse? ofc everyone is entitled to their opinion so dont get mad at me if youre a die-hard fan. please tell me what you think.

Would a bad MAF censor cause a car not to start sometimes?

Ok so I have a 1997 Chevy Blazer, the other day on the way home it started hesitating when you accelerated then sputtered and I had to pull over, once it cooled off or sat for a little while it started right back up (I had to do this a few times before I got home). I took it to Advance Auto and had them run tests, the guy told me it could be the MAF (mass air flow censor) or the O2 (oxygen censor - which I'm pretty sure it isnt that one). But heres my issue..ok would a bad MAF censor cause the truck not to start now? I had let it set for awhile (about a week now) and sometimes it will start just fine, other times it wont start at all..Thanks!

How do I import contacts from gmail to yahoo?

My gmail has recently been suspended. I put in the wrong birth date year. I didn't want to give them my credit card of government Id to verify my age because its not safe. So then I decided to change it. I really want all of my contacts moved to another gmail so I tried going through Yahoo then to gmail.THEN... VERIFICATION... HELP!!

How can I be more friendly?

People tend to think I'm a b**** because I unfortunately don't have censor when it comes to saying what comes to my mind. If I have an opinion on something, people know about it. I have a very dry sense of humour so people never know if I'm joking or not (I'm usually joking). I don't want to change who I am, or be nice to people I think are f**** heads, just maybe not be so brutally honest with friends. I don't like hurting friends feelings but I don't know where to draw a line, mostly due to the fact I'm a bit of a robot.

What if your boyfriend or girlfriend told you that you were under a love spell?

I guess it would depend on the details of the spell. If it was a spell put directly on me I might be upset but, being interested in that sort of thing myself I can't say I haven't read a lot about it and even considered it at times. But if it was a general spell to bring love into their life and I was that person that came along it wouldn't bother me. Then I think I would want details because I would be so fascinated that someone was a successful spell caster.

Im buying a lincoln mark 8?

and the guy says traction control button is broken but the wires are good. he says the car needs a new paint job. the guy says theres rust on the drivers door and about a foot of rust on rocker panel by passenger door. he said one of the censors needed to be replaced. He also said he chaged one of the struts to a plastic one. hes sellnig for 1100

2 very small conducting spheres,each of mass 1x10^-4 kg are suspended at common point by very thin filament?

2 very small conducting spheres,each of mass 1x10^-4 kg are suspended at common point by very thin filament oF length 0.2m. a charge Q coulomb is placed on each sphere. the electric force of repulsion separates the spheres and an equilibrium is reached when suspending filaments make an angle of 10 degrees. assume g=9.8n/kg and negligible mass for filaments, FIND Q?

What is going on here?

Free speech only say you have the right to say it. This is Yahoo's site, therefore they have the right to censor and allow what they want.

Does coffee cause cancer?

Nope. My Husband has been drinking coffee for nearly 40 years and Italian at THAT. He also drinks 3 mugs of REGULAR Coffee, and he is healthier than I am. I am the one who drinks the Decaf.

Don't the Montreal Canadiens fans make you sick sometimes?

As a fellow leafs fan i can see that the fans calling for Charas head aren't real montreal canadian hockey fans there the equivalent to the leafs fan that think they can trade for Crosby,Stamkos or Gretzky just to an extreme level and i agree with Texhabs fan if it did happen to say Kulemin overeacting leaf fans would probably be doing the same thing or worse.

Am I right or am I just a pessimist?

Now what I mean by that is how we started as a country based on freedom and rights for all but longer down the trail we lost more and more and now the US gov. wants to censor the internet for sites they don't like it is known as the PROTECT IP bill and would hurt us all. Or how the govt. is so deep in debt any day we could crash the world what just sit by and watch then come over and take whats left of it like buzzards. It's just I think this country is over all boned if it survives its issues with money it will eventually have no rights for its citizens as we know how they have ignored the constitution when they take down websites it seems it starts in little places then it grows like a cancer. Some one tell me am I right or am I just a pessimistic loony?

Why do the text colors change in oblivion?

i was playing last night and i was at the shivering isles door and i casted a telekynisis spell and i went to pick a plant and the lettering for the name was orange instead of white and this is for the XBOX 360 by the way

Can I get my motorcycle license if my license has been suspended before?

I live in Illinois, and my license is currently suspended until September 2011. Once I get my license reinstated, I want to buy a motorcycle, and get my license for it. Will the state of Illinois let me get my motorcycle license if my license was suspended at one point but is valid at the time that I take the test/class?

Do you think WWE has been getting good?

Except for Capitol Punishment. the past couple weeks, WWE has been doing good and interesting with Punk getting suspended and leaving there are some good feuds and MITB looks like it will be a good ppv, what do you think?

Are there any Therians or other-kin In California Who feel, out casted?

This is for therians and other-kin 2 answer, Plz don't be judgmental or call anyone psychotic because its not nice and i shall delete it. So im a suntherian who lives in Grass valley California, is there anyone else feel like their out casted 4 what they r?? I've gotten thrown around with hatred, threats, and people who pick on me because im poor and a therian, and im sick of it. So all of you therian brothers and sisters out there, let out your feelings if your feeling this pain too, so i can see that i too am not alone and others see they are not as well.

15 my bf got me pregnant and now HES IN JAIL please please help?

K so I'm sam. And rileys my boyfriend he's 17 we met in a werid way.. I live in florida he lived in new j my bestfriend told him my number. We honestley fell in love. After 6 months of talking he came and saw me. He wasn't a perve he respected me! Problem is , he's in a gang. So he got in trouble all I know is he's in juvie I don't no how long. His phones suspended. When he was down here he took my virginity ALL MY IDEA and I'm having his baby. I love him so much everytime I think about my spanish boy I cry. What am I suppose to do? This is just so hard. I don't care what yall say I DO LOVE HIM I'm just so lost an confused please gimme advice /:

Why is choppa censored?

In the Song If I Die Today(John) by Lil Wayne and Rick Ross , on the Radio "Choppa" or "Chopper"(however its pronounced) is censored out. Why?

Should I tell my parents?

I am 16 years old. I got caught up in a bad group of friends. I did things I don't approve of. I even got close to having sex, 4 times. I am still a virgin and I am proud of that. I use to drink, and I took pills a couple times. I am clean now and have been for 5 months.I still hate everything I have done. I regret it. I am already grounded for one bad mistake for getting suspended for a semester. I no longer have much freedom, and that's all I want is trust and freedom. Should I come out and tell my parents the truth?

Why are my rating not saving?

I'm level 2 now (maybe not after asking this -5 question) but when i voted a question thumbs down/up it said like "sorry we couldnt save your vote please try again later" or whatever. i refreshed the page and my vote wasnt casted???????

Are (love) spells real?

have you ever had one casted on someone , or have you ever felt/suspected that one has been casted upon you? i've heard stories, rumors...i think they all BS until proven otherwise...

Baitcaster??? Need some help!!?

Ok so today i got my baitcaster in the mail, put some 8 pound trilene smooth casting on it, put the reel on a shakespear 5'7 ugly stick. I used a jointed rapala. First time i casted it went smooth ( first time ever using one) second cast i casted it out and got a massive nest. Does anyone know what the dial on the side ( 1-10 ) means and if drag is important? I plan on going tomorrow again so i also need help detangling it. Thanks all

Can my license be suspended for going 31 over?

I was speeding in Southern California and got caught doing 76 in a 45.. I was not maintaining that speed however I did reach it and immediately slowed down not knowing a cop was behind me. This is the first ticket I have ever gotten and have a court appearance in 2 days to request traffic school. Can me license possibly be suspended for this?

Basketball Sign Ideas?

I will be attending a Chicago Bulls vs. Pacers game in Indianapolis...I am a Bulls fan and I want to know if you have Catchy signs that would involve the station TNT with it because the game will be broad-casted by them.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ballet Partnering Help!?!?

i think you should just be open minded. before, after or on the breaks, yeah be funny and laugh if he makes you, but don't be too friendly. on training, you must be serious about what you're doing. i don't think the flower part is necessary. GOOD LUCK :)

I think its so unfair for them to deny me workmans comp benifits!!!?

Oct of 2010 my hands and wrists started hurting at work. Diagnosed Tendonitis. Last wed I was sent to a Doctor for the State for an eval. well they said i was at MMI with a 0% impared rating. And so I will no longer be paid by the insurance. The same week my Job suspended me for 1 wk because they state I had call avoidence. And I think they are going to fire me. :( I have no Money...... And my hands still hurt. Its so unfair. Any suggestions? I am taking this really hard. I have 3 kids I have to care for. I am devistated. :(

Drivers test question!?

if your drivers license is suspended for two many points, what type of insurance must you either purchase or prove that you had on the effective date of the suspension?

Best Bed Bug insecticide?

I need to buy bed bug insecticide and would like a comparison from people that have already used them. The three I am looking at are Suspend SC, Tempo SC and Cy-Kick.I currently am using Diatomaceous Earth and will continue using it. This will be to treat an apartment where only one room is infested and I do not want them to spread.I have only noticed the bugs, casings and bites for 3 weeks. All rooms are sealed off as in windows, outlets, sockets etc. The apartment below me is infested as well ( for alot longer than I). The only thing left in the room is an empty dresser, bookshelf and encased bed. I am looking for ( in this order) a quick knockdown, best quality, and long residual. I don't care about price because my landlord refuses to address the problem and lied to me saying they werent in the building when I first reported the problem and I will be deducting the cost of insecticide from my rent.

I casted a love spell on a girl that i liked..?

Now she won't leave me alone and she's becoming kinda annoying and trys to hog all of my time. What do i do?

Why is Yahoo censoring my question?

When you ask questions like that it's hardly surprising that somebody will be after you especially when you accuse them of trolling

What should i do and say?

My guy friend that i fancy, he knows i fancy him. And i got him on blackberry messenger, and he broad casted out to me saying "Who wants to come my party tonite :) xx" and i think it was only sent to me and no body else. But sometimes whenever i write something to him, he reads it and he ignores it and it makes me cry. And I want to go to his party, but i'm scared hes not gonna pay attention to me :/ what should i do and say, plus i soo wanna kiss him, if i do go to his party. Theres gonna be alcohol there so everyone would get really drunk.

Will Smith or Arnold Schwarzenegger, which actor would've done a better job as Robert Neville in I Am Legend?

I heard through some websites the Arnold was originally casted to play Robert Neville in the 2007 film I am Legend but then all of a sudden Will Smith was re casted to play the role instead. Do you guys think Arnold Schwarzenegger would've of done a better job or was Will better suited for the job?

How many speeding tickets can you get in Memphis, TN in a 12 month period b4 having your lincense suspended?

I have heard after 3 is when they start looking at it, so I guess if you have 4 or more in a 12 month peroiod, you can have your lincense suspended. Is this correct?

Ive casted a demon into a pig before. do you hate me for that?

LOL, why would I hate you for that? Are you sure you really did? When I cast demons out I send them back to hell, and they go.

Inkmoth Nexus triggering hand of the Praetors ability?

It is NOT casting a creature. Casting a creature would be bringing out a creature from your hand, that is the only way you are able to cast spells. For example, if I brought a creature with infect from my graveyard to my battlefield, it would not trigger the Hand's ability. I am not a judge, but I have had this question answered by a judge.

Why do you keep turning off my email?

I tried to send an email to my family and friends asking for their support as I walk the survivors lap at the Campbell Relay for life. You turned me off claiming abuse. 48 hours later I tried again to send the email to only four of my family and you again turned me off for abuse. Today you turned me off again because I sent a test message to my friend in the next office. What gives? I pay for my mailbox. I am not spamming and you do not have the right to censor the content of my private email. I am a lawyer and have tried to contact you on seven different occasions to attempt to resolve this issue and I cannot talk to a live body. I can file a lawsuit but that seems a bit over the top, however, if my email does not free up within the next 24 hours, I will consider a class action as I am not the only person frustrated. Please call me at my office so I can discuss this with you as I can dialog with you in an email because you have shut me down again. Really need a response quickly as my patience is at an all time low. I expect to get service for what I pay to receive.

Poses for plus size subjects !?

I have a scheduled photo shoot in about a month for a couple the only problem is that they are very plus sized and want me to capture the best in their relationship and not in their size. they have brought me examples of pics they have done in the past where they claim to have felt covered in props. Can any one help me out on this one. also the lady or girl would like a face shot but she says she has big cheeks she wants somthing maybe shadow casted? I dont know i'm wreckin the brain trying to please this couple

Everyone is freaking out about what Tracy Morgan said about gay people. Why is no one bringing up that...?

what he said is also child abuse? Everyone refuses to talk about it and it's a real issue. The one time someone tried to get people talking about it he got censored (when Steven Tyler wrote the song Janie's Got A Gun they censored part of the song).

Why does ebay keep suspending my accounts?

Obviously because someone keeps reporting you. Try reading the guidelines and staying within them and you should be fine.

Is the internet really getting censored?

so there was a question like this and i was like wtf is this , googled it and found that chine is doing that, why is china censoring internet? there are countries censoring facebook, youtube, twitter and such stuff , is it real that day by day there will be NO internet? also is it censored in australia?

Can I rest my casted leg on the ground?

I crushed my ankle about a month ago and was placed in a cast from my toes to upper thigh. At that time, my doctor said that it is imperative that I don't put any weight on that leg in order for the healing process to start. At my last appointment, my cast was removed, then x rayed. My ankle has started to heel, I was put in another long cast, and was told that in another 2-3 weeks, I could start bearing weight on that leg. My question is: When I am standing up, can I rest my casted leg on the ground? I wouldn't be putting any pressure on that leg. I hope your answer is yes because it tires my to always keep that foot off the ground

What happens to a person who gets caught driving with a suspended drivers license in IL?.?

Do they get jail time, a fine , or both ?.. The insurance dint specify what type of insurance i needed there for i got regular insurance but i needed sr22. Then one day i got pulled over for no seat belt, while the cop check out my license it turn out that my driver license was suspended because of the insurance. They took my license gave me a tickets and was told to show up to court on so xx date..They also took my car away :(.. i got the car back and called the insurance where they change my insurance to sr22 and my license is not suspended anymore i still have court , so my question is do i have to save my nickles and dimes or invest in cigarettes and shanks ?.. thank you this information will be really helpful to me . :D ,, i cant sleep at night ..

Name of a bbc drama ?

Hi tv watchers, I have been trying to remember a name of a dram Series that U haven't had the chance to finish, quite sure it was broad-casted on bbc but cant be certain,it was based on a victorian story of a writer who was married but his wife was unwell, also was molested by her dr, he met a prostitute who had a skin problem and loved writing, she then moved in with him in a house he got especially for her, to stop being a prostitute, she then wanted to see where he lived and as she was looking the wife saw her but she thought she was an angel who was sent to save her... please guys I want to c the end of this drama, does anyone knows what i am talking about.thank u.

Is Y Answers dispute resolution process a reflection of how democracy works in America?

You can report ideas that disagree with yours to the "authorities" (a yahoo employee) who censors you and demads 10 pts if you appeal and your appeal is denied? Looks very close to fascism to me

In Coppelia what part is better?

I was casted as the Dawn soloist in that above Swanhilda's friends or is the part below it

Is this bit of writing interesting, hooking or any good in general?

The beggining is good, i like it.The middle was a little worse.The ending ehhh.....You need to make the reader feel the tension and get a little more graphic with the running.

Is our friend relationship over?

So my friend and I got into a HUGE fight, like it's the biggest one yet. It was about her smoking and lying to me, which I hate both. She said she stopped before and I believed her for a while, until she told me a story about her smoking the other day. Now she said she stopped officially, but its hard for me to believe her because what already happened. We yelled, ignored each other, and then I tried to make up with her. I told her I believed her again. Now she got a lot quitter, every time we talk it feels awkward, and she won't even call me. I see her talking to every one like she used to talk to me with like smileys, hearts, everything on Facebook and she texts just like "Hey, how was your day" so I feel out casted. And I've tried to avoid the awkwardness, but she keeps on bringing it back. I've told her about it, but she's just like "I'm sorry you feel that way". Are we over?

Did everyone hear that we lost our best sub-22 players for Copa America?

i'm super ultra pissed this is a load of bull i'm not gonna bother watching any mexico games during copa america we're gonna get raped llevan players hasta de tecos k no mamen

What is wrong with showing (female) breasts?

I mean, guys can take their shirts off and walk around. Why can't girls do the same? Everywhere, breasts are censored! I want to see some boobies!

Can someone please answer my question about my homless mom 3rd time i had to repost?

okay hello i would like to give you an overview on things to help you answer my question. im 16 and my mother has schizophrenia (a mental illness where in most cases you are paranoid and will cause you to think that your thoughts are being broad-casted.) she is currently homeless i am her daughter and all of my brothers and sisters were taken away from her in 2001, anyway you can only imagine the depression she goes through daily. she has a tent and i wanted to spend the night with her so she wont be so lonely and maybe she could open up to me. i don't know if its a good idea or not because maybe she wants to be left alone. and her illness is not being treated in anyway no medications or therapy, ect. so please tell me do you think i should spend the night with her i don't mind at all i just want her to be happy.?? thank you for your help.

How do i get a psychitrists records UNDONE or disproved?

i had a bullying incident back in 2007 and i made an IDLE threat. a 3rd party then broad casted this idle threat. and it started a while chain of concoluted events.i spent ONE NIGHT in observation in the psych ward, now fast forward 4 years im trying to get a very good job that requires me to carry a weapon. i cant carry until i have a F.O.I.D card and the shrink wrote some pretty nasty things about me. how do i get some of those things disproved?

Michigan drivers responibility fee?

I live in michigan and i owe a drivers responsibility fee and was wondering if i miss my payment date but send it in the day after will my license be suspended